The Microwave Landing System (MLS) was designed to replace ILS with an advanced precision approach system that would overcome the disadvantages of ILS and also provide greater flexibility to its users. However, there are few MLS installations in use at present and they are likely to co-exist with ILS for a long time. MLS is a precision approach and landing system that provides position information and various ground to air data. The position information is provided in a wide coverage sector and is determined by an azimuth angle measurement, an elevation measurement and a range.
The Microwave Landing System (MLS) was designed to replace ILS with an advanced precision approach system that would overcome the disadvantages of ILS and also provide greater flexibility to its users. However, there are few MLS installations in use at present and they are likely to co-exist with ILS for a long time. MLS is a precision approach and landing system that provides position information and various ground to air data. The position information is provided in a wide coverage sector and is determined by an azimuth angle measurement, an elevation measurement and a range.
ILS has the following disadvantages:
- There are only 40 channels available worldwide.
- The azimuth and glide slope beams are fixed and narrow. As a result, aircraft have to be sequenced and adequately separated which causes landing delays.
- There are no special procedures available for slower aircraft, helicopters, and Short Take Of and Landing (STOL) aircraft.
- ILS cannot be sited in hilly areas and it requires large expanses of flt, cleared land to minimize interference with the localiser and glide slope beams.
- Vehicles, taxying aircraft, low-fling aircraft and buildings have to be kept well away from the transmission sites to minimize localiser and glide slope course deviations (bending of the beams).
The Microwave Landing System (MLS) has the
following features:
There are 200 channels available worldwide.
- The azimuth coverage is at least ± 40° of the runway on-course line (QDM) and glide slopes from .9° to 20° can be selected. The usable range is 20-30nm from the MLS site; 20nm in the UK.
- There is no problem with back-course transmissions; a secondary system is provided to give overshoot and departure guidance ± 20° of runway direction up to 15° in elevation to a range of 10nm and a height of 10,000 ft.
- It operates in the SHF band, 5031 - 5090 MHZ. This enables it to be sited in hilly areas without having to level the site. Course deviation errors (bending) of the localiser and glide path caused by aircraft, vehicles and buildings are no longer a problem because the MLS scanning beam can be interrupted and therefore avoids the reflections.
- Because of its increased azimuth and elevation coverage aircraft can choose their own approaches. This will increase runway utilization and be beneficial to helicopters and STOL aircraft.
- The MLS has a built-in DME.
- MLS is compatible with conventional localiser and glide path instruments, EFIS, auto- pilot systems and area navigation equipment.
- MLS gives positive automatic landing indications plus definite and continuous on/of flag indications for the localiser and glide slope needles.
- The identification prefix for the MLS is an ‘M’ followed by two letters.
- The aim is for all MLS equipped aircraft to operate to CAT III criteria. Figures 10.1, 10.2 and 10.3 below show some of these features.
MLS employs the principle of
Time Division Multiplexing (TDM) (see Figure 10.5) whereby only one frequency
is used on a channel but the transmissions from the various angle and data ground equipment are synchronized to assure interference free operations on the
common radio frequency
- Azimuth location. Time referenced scanning beam (TRSB) is utilized in azimuth and elevation as follows: the aircraft computes its azimuth position in relation to the run-way centre-line by measuring the time interval in microseconds between the reception the ‘to’ and ‘fro’ scanning beams. The beam starts the ‘to’ sweep at one extremity of its total scan and travels at a uniform speed to the other extremity. It then starts its ‘fro’ scan back to its start position. The time interval between the reception of the ‘to’ and ‘fro’ pulses is proportional to the angular position of the aircraft in relation to the runway on-course line. The pilot can choose to fl the runway on-course line (QDM) or an approach path which he selects as a pre-determined number of degrees ± the runway direction. (See Figure 10.4).
- Glide slope location. Another beam scans up and down at a uniform speed within its elevation limits. The aircraft’s position in relation to its selected glide slope angle is thus calculated in the same manner by measuring the time difference between the reception of the pulses from the up and down sweep. The transmissions from the two beams and the transmissions from the other components of the MLS system are transmitted at different intervals i.e. it uses ‘time multiplexing’.
- Other components of the system are:• Flare. Although the standard has been developed to provide for flare
elevation, this function is not intended for future implementation
• Back azimuth. Gives overshoot and departure guidance ± 20° of runway direction up to 15° in elevation.
• DME Range along the MLS course is provided not by markers but by a DME. For Cat II and III approaches a precision DME (DME/P) that is accurate to within 100 feet must be available.
• Transmission of auxiliary data. This consists of:> station identification
> system condition
> runway condition
> weather information
The airborne equipment is designed to continuously display the position of the aircraft in relation to the pre selected course and glide path along with distance information during approach as well as during departure.
- Display
· The display
consists of two cross bars similar to an ILS display except that the indications are given relative to the selective course. It is possible to
program the computer to give segmented approaches and curved approaches for
which a DME- P must be installed on the ground.
- Control Unit In order to receive ILS, MLS and GPS transmissions, aircraft are equipped with multi-mode receivers and a combined control unit for ease of use by the flight crew. An example of such a control unit is shown at Figure 10.6.